Rahul: No need to upgrade Mumbai Police!

FACT: Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan could not contact Mumbai CP for 15 minutes soon after the Mumbai serial blasts on July 13 2011. "Networks got congested. I could not contact the Chief of Police. I could not contact DG Police," said Chavan. Chief Minister and Home Minister  R R Patil later visited the police control room in mumbai and here is the conclusive report:
  • The control room has been weakened by vacancies. Of its 4,000 positions 1,000 is vacant for years. It still uses analog wireless systems, installed 12 years ago, whose warranty has expired in 2009. Whereas states like Delhi and Andhra Pradesh have moved onto digital technology. It has 3,605 wireless devices, to reach its force across the city. There are no spares to meet an emergency or assist the elite forces joining in an operation. An order for 400 more sets has been placed in June. A Rs. 15 crore order that is awaiting clearance. The systems are so old that only one company is able to provide spare parts and repairs. So whatever Edacs quotes, Mumbai Police has to meet that price.  An ugradation of the entire control room will cost nearly Rs. 100 crore. (ref: ndtv.com 15 August 2011.

OWL WATCH: “99% of terror attacks have been checked” Rahul Gandhi said after recent Mumbai blasts. So there is a need to take control of only  remaining 1% of attacks.  If 99% of attacks have been checked with these types of equipments in Mumbai police department, there is no need for upgradation of police control room further. Just white washing the control room may check remaining 1% of terror attacks in the “financial capital”. 

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