FACT: Sheila Dikshit has been blamed for costing the government Rs. 31 crore in losses by deciding to use imported equipment for street lighting in Delhi during the Commonwealth Games held in Delhi in September 2010. The government's auditor finds that after the Chief Minister's sanction, lights were bought, from a company - Space Age - at a price that ranged from Rs. 25,000 to 32,000 each - "far higher than the fair price computed." Space Age allegedly paid Rs. 5,000 per light, which imported low-cost bulbs from Saudi Arabia, but charged the government Rs. 25,000 per light - earning a super profit of more than Rs. 2.5 crore. CAG report also states that Space Age had been disqualified as a supplier, but was cleared by the Chief Minister. (ref: ndtv.com Aug 3 2011)
OWL WATCH: Congress was enlightening the people of India. During that period, NDA was carrying their slogan– “Shining India” and Congress, adopting the marketing plan of BJP, tried to implement that slogan in reality. Ultimately BJP was the looser and Congress gained by signing an assignment of the best deal for “their India” even in purchase of bulbs.