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Anna break fast please |
FACT: Anna Hazare has been given the go ahead to fast for 15 days at Ramlila Maidan. The civil society is split over whether his method of protest falls in the category of blackmail. Apart from Anna’s team, no one’s come out to support his version of the Lokpal Bill, not even the political opposition. Anna Hazare’s supporters loudly expressing that they have complete faith in Anna, his methods and the Jan Lokpal Bill. “We want the Jan Lokpal Bill to be passed. That is the only condition and till the government accepts it, we won’t agree,” said a supporter.
OWL WATCH: I asked one electronic media editor in a chat, “why are you not thinking about ‘what is next’?” The editor replied “Media just reports. What is happening. And can give you a sense what can happen next”. So their ‘next’ is running from Tihar jail to Ramlila ground - next is 3000 labours, 400 trucks, 30 decorators, 55 temporary toilets, 550 water tanks, 1500 government officers, many NGOs and huge police forces are engaged in making Ramlila maidan a holy place to exhibit democratic rights. Is there any possibility of rain? If it rains, it is good to make a report more dramatic. Next is Anna coming out from Tihar jail, rushing to join the ‘freedom fighters’ or Anna fans at Ramlila ground. Next is camera-light-action. ‘Next’ is just like a commercial break for media.
Next may be Janlokpal bill is adopted by this government. Anna will break fast. Next may be some political ‘chemistry’ is unfolded to substitute this government with another ‘better’ one, then the government resigns and Lokpal-Janlokpal bill is in lockroom again. Anna may break fast as parliament would be paralyzed and nobody will be there to consider his only demand.
Next may be everyone is preparing more stronger bills demanding to pass the strongest bill amongst the bills. Even Anna knows that Janlokpal bill is not fully efficient to wipe out corruption. There will be a supervisory committee above the ‘Janlokpals’; then a commission of three-members core committee to look after the overall functioning of ‘Janlokpals’; then a two-members advisory committee to advise next three members of core committee; and on the peak, there must be presence of almighty gods of all religions – this may be one of the strongest formula to make this country corruption free.
Next may be a ‘father-son’ feeling of this government with Anna, asking him to break fasting. If Anna does not accept, next may be except Anna and PM all names and ranks are being incorporated in Lokpal bill. This may be a way to win the strong heart of a common man – ‘Anna Icon’. Anna will not accept it. If Anna is not incorporated, it may be the best award to the strongest man living in India. Then, most of the Indians will request Anna to break his fast. Anna on behalf of his fans will surely break fast. Peoples agitation may get a pause then.
Next may be fasting is continued, Anna is hospitalized and media is busy covering how many doctors attended Anna at 3 PM and at 7 AM, whether Anna has been infused with glucose water, if yes, then a series of discussions on whether they can name it a ‘fast’ or ‘breakfast’. Next, all the issues will be discussed after a ‘commercial break’.