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We need 1000 Annas |
FACT: Addressing thousands of supporters, social activist Anna Hazare declared on Friday that he would not leave the Ramlila ground till the demand for a stronger Lokpal bill was met.
“We will not leave this place till the Lokpal bill is passed,” he told the massive gathering soon after reaching the Ramlila ground in central Delhi where he is to continue his fast. “The power of youth is the power of the nation, whether or not Anna Hazare is there. This torch of revolution should always remain lit,” he said. He has lost 3 kg weight as he said, “I have lost three kilograms in three days, but I am getting energy from this movement.” “The British have gone but the country is not free, this is the second struggle for independence,” He said. “The power of youth is the power of a nation, every country in the world has been created by the youth,” he said. The crowd – mostly men, women and school children – cheered, heralding what seems like a long journey ahead.
OWL WATCH: A Tihar jail officer certified Anna Hazare was not a prisoner but a guest stayed in Tihar jail and he had taken care of Anna. This is not a freedom struggle. Our government allowed Anna full freedom and assisted a lot to make him cool.
After independence no such support was given to anyone by the people and media of India. Anna became an icon. Corruption leads to price rise – he said in a simple language to the people through a pre-recorded video to the media. People, mostly lost faith on every government coming in power, are hurriedly searching for an alternative man as a national leader who can be their icon. People found Anna as an avatar. He gave a call to ‘change the system’ but his alternative plan of ideal system is not written in his Janlokpal bill. Lokpal or Janlokpal cannot change the system. The systematic globalization of economy spreads corruption equally through out the globe. Price rise is effectively linked with corruption and thus price rise is inked with globalization and privatization which cannot be ignored. Janlokpal bill may be a stepping stone to fight corruption. Anna’s call to revolutionize Janlokpal bill is now fit with the middle class freedom strugglers. Anna’s call to stop price rise may raise more people in his favour for a revolutionary arrangement to pressurize the current government. Anna first struggle for independence against corruption fetched a good sentiment from people. Lots of faith on Anna by the people of India must be recognized by the parliament.
A revolution is on wait if Anna has a draft of alternative system and policies to submit to people of India. A fight against Lokpal bill, a fight to pass Janlokpal bill, everybody should be scrutinized under janlokpal, not a jokepal but a janlokpal, hunger strike for janlokpal, if he is concentrating only on janlokpal, this nation needs 1000 Annas to make it a call for revolution. Anna is honourable for our country. Our country is lacking people like Anna. So Anna should not be tagged only with lokpal bill.